Prohibitions of ihraam
The prohibition of ihraam is what is haraam for a mahram to do because of ihraam, which is: (2) (Al-Baqarah 196), and this is a text on shaving the head and measuring the rest of the body hair. Because it is considered a removal of a part of the body, Cheap Umrah Deals UK and obtains luxury, and therefore it is similar to hair removal, except if the nail is broken and hurt by it is okay to remove the harmful part of it only, and therefore it has nothing , Ibn al-Mundhir said: "They agreed that the mahram is forbidden to take his nails, and they agreed that he should remove from himself what was broken from him." That the man who is stitched from the clothes should wear a uniform in all his body, or in some of it, or to wear the detailed clothing on the body, such as the shirt, turban, pants, pirans, gloves, This is because of the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him): "Do not wear the shirt, pants, turbans, pants, or pawns, unless there ...